Articles | Volume 14, issue 11
Research article
23 Nov 2018
Research article |  | 23 Nov 2018

A Late Quaternary climate record based on long-chain diol proxies from the Chilean margin

Marijke W. de Bar, Dave J. Stolwijk, Jerry F. McManus, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté, and Stefan Schouten

Data sets

A Late Quaternary climate record based on long chain diol proxies from ODP Site 202-1234 M. de Bar, D. Stolwijk, J. F. McManus, J. S. Sinninghe Damsté, and S. Schouten

Short summary
We present a past sea surface temperature and paleoproductivity record over the last 150 000 years for ODP Site 1234 (Chilean margin). We tested the applicability of long-chain diol proxies for the reconstrucion of SST (LDI), past upwelling conditions (diol index), and nutrient concentrations (NDI). The LDI likely reflects past temperature changes, but the diol index and NDI are perhaps more indicative of Proboscia diatom productivity rather than upwelling and/or nutrient conditions.