Articles | Volume 15, issue 5
Research article
16 Sep 2019
Research article |  | 16 Sep 2019

Enhanced Mediterranean water cycle explains increased humidity during MIS 3 in North Africa

Mike Rogerson, Yuri Dublyansky, Dirk L. Hoffmann, Marc Luetscher, Paul Töchterle, and Christoph Spötl

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Subject: Continental Surface Processes | Archive: Terrestrial Archives | Timescale: Milankovitch
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Short summary
Rainfall in North Africa is known to vary through time and is likely to change as global climate warms. Here, we provide a new level of understanding about past rainfall in North Africa by looking at a stalagmite which formed within northeastern Libya between 67 and 30 thousand years ago. We find that at times more rain falls, and the associated moisture is mostly derived from the western Mediterranean during winter storms. Sometimes, water comes from the eastern Mediterranean.